Saturday, April 18, 2009

So the final proof wasn't so final...

I have given up calling the book proofs that I order "the final one" or "the last one". Every time I say that, the proof arrives and I find an error or something that needs tweaking. Having said all that, I STILL think the latest version of the book will indeed be "the one". It shipped out on Friday so I am expected it to be in my hands by Monday or Tuesday of this upcoming week. After every rejected proof, I have compiled a list of things to check for and this one appears to have met all of the requirements! We'll soon find out!

As part of the pending media campaign for the release of Emily & The Silent King, I have created a Twitter entry for the book at: I am still learning the ropes of self promotion, but almost every "expert" in the self publishing field stresses getting word about your book out in as many places as  possible. I would appreciate any and all recommendations anyone cares to make regarding possible promotion sites!

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