Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Another Review Posted

Just finished reading another very nice review of Emily & the Silent King posted by Maria Luisa Antonaya over on I really liked how she summarized the book, it is much better than the back copy I came up with for the cover! I continue to be very happy with how well the book has been received by the various book reviewers, especially since it's a first book. It is a welcome confidence boost and gives me additional incentive to finish the other books in the series. It will be interesting to see how the later books are reviewed! Please stop by and read the review when you get a chance and leave a comment if possible.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Book Worming in the 21st Century Book Review

Another positive book review for Emily & the Silent King has come in! Kristen over at BookWormingInThe21stCentury gave it four out of five roses! I'm very pleased with the positive reception book one is getting and I can only hope that Devin & the Empire of Wolves is as well received as the first book in the series has been! Everyone seems to love the Dwarves and I really enjoy writing them, I'm going to do my best to bring out some of the other characters as the series progresses to give Helgi and company a little competition.

I just realized that I did not announce the availability of book two in the Legends of Midralon series on this blog! Devin & The Empire of Wolves is now available on Amazon and CreateSpace! It's been slowly but steadily moving up the sales charts since I announced it on the facebook fanpage last week! Thanks to everyone for your support!

My vacation is coming to an end and this means I will be getting back to work on revising the book three rough draft and working on the podcast of book one! So much to do, my weekends are going to be very busy for the foreseeable future!