Sunday, August 3, 2008

Chapter by Chapter the end nears...

Despite a weekend chock full of outdoor projects, I managed to squeeze in some writing time for book three. I am in the middle of chapter thirty two and there are only two chapters left after that! The last two chapters should be fairly short ones, so the end is in sight! I am anticipating finishing the rough draft of book three by next weekend!

I always get excited when I near the end of a book as the story reaches its end and some loose ends are tied up while new ones are created. I'm hoping that this book will be a logical stepping stone into book four and that it answers some of the questions posed in book two. I'll know more when I go back and start revising it. I do my best to not make any continuity mistakes, juggling characters and events can be tricky some times. Still I really love it and I hope that comes across in my novels.

Well that's all for now, I'm exhausted and I just wanted to give a quick update on my progress! Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. I try and keep it as interesting as possible and I hope to get some time to incorporate some of the ideas I've mentioned in past blogs! Until next time.....

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