Sunday, February 1, 2009

Emily & the Silent King update!

I have just received the edited copy of the revised version of Emily & the Silent King from my editor. I'm relieved that my grammar wasn't as bad as I'd thought it might be! I feel like I've been getting stronger and stronger with the my sentence composition and structure, but had no barometer to measure it against, until now. I was nervous about using an editor, but the one I found has been very easy to work with and I hope to work with her again.

Now the pressure is on me to finish up the new cover and get this baby out to press! I am very excited about the possibilities of this book. Although, I am nervous that it might be the worst time to introduce a book, since the US economy is struggling right now. Still, I am hopeful that people will still look to reading as an escape from the worries of the day and that my book finds it way onto the list of preferred titles somewhere!

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