I've rearranged my blog a bit and added some new features. I
removed the Lulu store section until I get up and running under Createspace and then I'll add my online store section back to the menu. The lower right menu bar now has a section where you can browse blog posts by label and I've added a
fans section as well (which may only serve to embarrass me, as it appears my blog isn't getting that much
traffic at the moment). There are also RSS subscription links added for your convenience and each posting now has a
reaction section beneath it, so I can gauge your
interest in my posts. I'll add more as I run across any new and
exciting features offered by Blogger.com.
Another Guess the Villain posting for you as well! See if you can figure out who this nefarious character is, I want the villain's name and the movie. Not the actor's name! It should be fairly easy!
Well, without looking it up, I know he's from Conan and it's James Earl Jones cause he was Darth Vader and the guy from all the old Verizon commercials...
You're getting close! At least you didn't say Rick James.
Some might consider James a popular villain of the 80's as well. But I think that the guy who brought us "Superfreak" can't be all that bad!
I saw this movie last summer but the only thing I can remember is the symbol of his.
I wish I had known about your book and blog earlier. This would have been an easy one for me as my husband is a huge fan of this movie. It's Thulsa Doom from Conan the Barbarian. He watches it at least once a week, and everytime I tell him that I'm glad I saw other James Earl Jones's movies before this one. I really like him, the actor, and would not have if this was my first experience with him. I'm thinking your book might be a good Valentine's gift for him as he loves this genre. BTW, it's so exciting to see something from a fellow Zwei alum in print. COngrats!
i easily adore your writing kind, very helpful,
don't give up as well as keep writing seeing that it simply that is worth to look through it,
looking forward to look at way more of your stories, have a good day :)
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