Friday, January 25, 2008

Back to the Blog

I know it's been a while since I posted but I let myself take a little break after the furious rush of the last couple of weeks. This doesn't mean I wasn't working on book two, I still was, it just let me relax a little and enjoy finishing my second book.

I finished revising the rough draft and I'm pretty satisfied with how book two turned out. It ballooned up to 280 pages with maybe a few more pages to be added. I'm still trying to decide if I want to add a prologue/epilogue in the same style as I did in Emily & The Silent King.

The cover is not done, I am still struggling to come up with the images for the book cover I had planned. I am debating on whether or not I should just publish it with a simple cover like the E&tSK cover or keep trying to get the new style of cover done. I will decide over this weekend after I see how far I can get on the new cover.

Thanks to everyone who voted in my poll. After careful consideration, I have decided to name book two "Devin & The Empire of Wolves". I think that title is more appropriate based on the content of the story.

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